I felt very honoured to be invited to judge at this year's show. May I please take this opportunity to thank Mrs Pearce and the committee for my invitation, my very able stewards and especially the exhibitors for allowing me the privilege of going over their hounds. A wonderful day.
SPY (2, 1ab)
1.Kilgar's Ardneish Pacific at Maelstrom . Almost 8mth old bitch. Pretty feminine head, well set ears, dark eyes and correct bite. would like to see a little more depth of chest and forequarter angulation. I felt she was a little long in the body and higher in the hind quarters than the forequarters, this should level out in time. She is very much a puppy and needs time to grow and mature. Moved well in profile. RBOB,BPIB
PG (1, 1ab).
O (2, 1 ab)
Wheeler's Regalflight Pemba. 4yr 8mth bitch. lovely, femine head, well set ears, dark eyes and correct bite. Fair lay of shoulder but would like more return of upper arm and slightly more depth of chest. Good spring of rib and pleasing topline and a lovely curve down to a well set tail. However, would like to see a vertical line from hip, hock to back of heel and more width between the hocks. Moved out well in profile, but could show a little more width between legs coming and going both fore and aft. BOB
Helga Jansons (Nixophel) |